Every woman dreams of owning various popular handbag brands, but only the rich and lucky few are fortunate enough. No woman will ever say “I have enough bags, I do not need any more.” Women can never have enough handbags. Fashion bags in India and abroad are absolutely in rage. Fashion handbags are available in a wide spectrum of colors, designs and brands. Most expensive purses, branded bags are available for every occasions and events. Today, there are so many women handbag brands to choose from, that it get’s very difficult to pick a favorite. Handbags and purses are carried by every woman who steps out of the house. Those who don’t want to add weight to their shoulders, end up carrying wallets. Minaudiere’s are another luxury handbags that are getting extremely popular with celebrities and stars around the world. Many luxury handbag brands make exquisite pieces of these bags, on request or for the red carpet events.
All Bollywood celebrities are seen carrying expensive handbags to events, award functions, and movie premiers and promotions. Recently at a Calender launch, Jacqueline Fernandez was spotted carrying a Louis Vuitton metallic box clutch, which belong to some of the most expensive handbags and brands in the world.
Here are the Top Purses which are Most Expensive
1. Chanel
Chanel definitely cannot skip this list of the most expensive and best designer handbags! This brand has always accompanied celebs to The Oscars, movie premiers and all significant events where fashion can be boasted off. Coco Chanel launched her brand in 1909 and continues to be counted among the top 10 luxury brands in the world.